On Site Delivering Modular Housing for DCC

We are currently on site with SISK providing 261 new homes for Dublin City Council using rapid build modular technologyThe project is comprised of four sites delivering a mix of one, two and three bedroom apartments and houses  incorporating the latest renewable energy systems.   

Under our appointment to the DCC Framework, Cogent Associates are providing full pre and post contract Cost Management services to Bonham Street, Bunratty Road, Springvale & Cork StreetThe modular method ensures that critical overarching design requirements such as scale, form, materials and spatial layout are well defined at an early stage. 

The DCC Framework of consultants is being made available to all Local Authorities and Approved Housing Bodies throughout the Republic of Ireland who also wish to develop apartment projects using this approach. This will significantly improve the timelines for procurement of design-build contractors for the delivery of housing in Dublin City and throughout the country where modern methods of construction are to be employed.